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Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-06-03 19:15     Views : 250

Environmental law is a collection of regulations, rules, agreements which govern and address how people or humans interact with the environment. This law not only aims at protecting the environment from harm, but also determines who can use which natural resources and what are the terms for using them. It also regulates the protection of forests, use of resources, controlling of pollution, population of living beings etc.

The need for protection and conservation of the environment is reflected in the constitutional framework of India under Part IVA (Article51A-fundamental duties). These articles cast a duty on all citizens of India to improve and protect the environment. The constitutes also emphasizes on the state to also protect and improve the environment. Even before independence there were certain legislations that existed. The true framework however developed when the UN conference on Human Environment (UNHCE) set up the national council for environmental policy in 1972.

There has been an overall international architecture for international environmental governance has been the subject of debate at the international level. The need and concept of environment protection would question the reallocation of needs and priorities.

It is worth mentioning that we are blessed and privileged to be born in this planet and that we have the brainpower to have sustainable living. Thus, human rights and right to development can be merged to be related to environment. A sustainable environment and society affirms justice, equity and security to all human basic needs.

Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-06-03 19:15