Flagship Services / ADR & Litigation Prevention / International Neutral Evaluation

International neutral evaluation is a form of dispute resolution where a neutral third party, typically an expert in the subject matter of the dispute, evaluates the merits of the case and provides a non-binding assessment or evaluation to the parties. This process is often used in complex or technical disputes where the parties seek an impartial assessment of their positions, strengths, and weaknesses before proceeding to formal arbitration or litigation.

Here's how international neutral evaluation generally works:

1. Agreement to Evaluation: The parties involved in the dispute voluntarily agree to submit their case to neutral evaluation. This agreement may be reached through contractual provisions, mutual consent, or referral by a court or other dispute resolution forum.

2. Selection of Evaluator: The parties may agree on a neutral evaluator themselves, or they may seek assistance from organizations that provide neutral evaluation services. The evaluator is typically an expert in the relevant field, such as law, engineering, finance, or science.

3. Presentation of Case: Each party presents its case, including relevant evidence, arguments, and documentation, to the neutral evaluator. This may involve written submissions, oral presentations, or a combination of both, depending on the agreed-upon procedures.

4. Evaluation Process: The neutral evaluator thoroughly reviews the submissions and conducts any necessary research or analysis to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each party's position. The evaluator may also meet with the parties separately to discuss their case and gather additional information.

5. Evaluation Report: After completing the evaluation process, the neutral evaluator issues a written report summarizing their findings and providing an assessment of the merits of the case. This report typically includes recommendations for potential settlement or further steps in the dispute resolution process.

6. Non-Binding Nature: Unlike arbitration or litigation, the evaluation provided by the neutral evaluator is non-binding, meaning the parties are not required to accept or implement the evaluator's recommendations. However, the evaluation can serve as valuable guidance in negotiations or subsequent proceedings.

International neutral evaluation offers several potential benefits, including the opportunity for parties to obtain an expert assessment of their case, expedited resolution of disputes, and the preservation of ongoing relationships between the parties. While the evaluation itself is non-binding, parties often use the evaluator's findings as a basis for settlement discussions or further dispute resolution efforts.

White Code Global is a company that provides worldwide services to businesses. We are in a unique position to assist our clients in resolving their most challenging and complicated issues. Our skilled attorneys handle all neutral evaluation-related matters to guarantee complete compliance.