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Changes made in factories Act 1948

Courtesy/By: Priyanka Bhattacharyya | 2020-06-29 00:39     Views : 336

The concept of the factory all industry in India had been from the 19th century.

The word factory has been defined under section 2(m). The word factory means any premises including the precincts thereof-

  • Whereon 10 or more workers are working, or (i)Were working on any day of preceding 12 months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid of power or is ordinarily so carried on; or
  •  Where on 20 or more workers are working or were working on any of preceding 12 months and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried out on without the aid of power or ordinarily so carried on?

The first Factories Act was enacted in the year 1881. When the Act was amended in 1943 as fast replacing all the previous legislation in regards to the Factories Act act was drafted in the light of recommendation of Royal Commission on labour the at had also been suitably amended from time to time the experience of working of Factories Act 1934 has revealed a number of a defect in a, therefore, the need for the factories act 1948 was felled consolidating and amending the law relating to the labours in the factory was passed by the constituent assembly on 1948

The changes which were introduced in the factories Act 1948

  • The definition of the Term factory was widened under this act to cover industrial establishment employing 10 or more workers where power was used and twenty or more workers in all other cases
  • The distinction between the seasonal and non-seasonal factories was also abolished
  • The chapter 3 of the act parted into three parts it dealt with health, safety and welfare of the worker that specifies very clearly the minimum requirement for the three heads stated above
  • The basic provision of the old act relating to health, safety and welfare are extended to all workers place irrespective of the numbers of the workers employed to accept the premises where the process are carried on by the occupier with the stole aid of his family
  • Under this act, the minimum age for the admission of children that was raised from the age of 12 to 14 years and minimum permissible daily hours of work of for the children were reduced from 5 to 4 and half hours
  • Employment of children and women between 7 and 6 a.m. is prohibited for overtime work the workers are entitled to twice the normal rate of wages
  • The state governments are empowered to make rules requiring the association of workers in the management of arrangement for the Welfare of worker
  • The state government is obliged to see that all the factories are registered and fees for a licence for working which should be periodically renewed with the approval of the state government has been made necessary for every new installation of factory or the extension of an existing factory decide mind the new act also excluded Railway running sheds from the definition of the fact


Courtesy/By: Priyanka Bhattacharyya | 2020-06-29 00:39