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Corporate Personalities: A concept to be unveiled

Courtesy/By: Nandini Singh | 2020-05-31 21:44     Views : 300

Corporate personality may be a concept in Christian theology that was articulated by H. Wheeler Robinson. As originally formulated, it handled areas of the testament where the relationships between individuals and therefore the groups that they were a part of were treated. as an example, Achan's family was (at least in some interpretations of the text) collectively punished for a sin that's viewed as primarily Achan's alone. it's since fallen out of favour with theologians, who now favour other interpretations of the testament. However, some theologians still use the thought, construed in a very more narrow sense, to elucidate the employment of "?ν" for "in Christ" (amongst others) within the New Testament writings of Paul the Apostle.

Christian theology is that the theology of Christian belief and practice. Such study concentrates primarily upon the texts of the testament and of the New Testament, yet as on Christian tradition. Christian theologians use biblical exegesis, rational analysis and argument. Theologians may undertake the study of Christian theology for a spread of reasons, like so as to:

  • help them better understand Christian tenets
  • make comparisons between Christianity and other traditions
  • defend Christianity against objections and criticism
  • facilitate reforms within the Christian church
  • assist within the propagation of Christianity
  • draw on the resources of the Christian tradition to handle some present situation or perceived need

Christian theology has permeated much of culture, especially in pre-modern Europe. Collective punishment may be a kind of retaliation whereby a suspected perpetrator's relations, friends, acquaintances, sect, neighbors or entire grouping is targeted. The punished group may often haven't any direct association with the opposite individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions. In times of war and armed conflict, collective punishment has resulted in atrocities, and may be a violation of the laws of war and therefore the Geneva Conventions. Historically, occupying powers have used collective punishment to retaliate against and deter attacks on their forces by Resistance movements (such as destroying entire towns and villages which were believed to possess harboured or aided such resistance movements).

 The notion of testament corporate personality encompasses four things:


Individuals are never considered to be isolated from the groups that they belong to, and are often treated as representatives for, or maybe as wholly identified with, those groups.


The boundaries of the individual are extended to additionally encompass people that belong thereto individual. This extension is both in space, from a king to a kingdom, and in time, from a parent to his descendants. samples of extension include Achan (mentioned earlier), Korah (Izhar's son), and David, where a frontrunner is punished or rewarded by punishing or rewarding those whom he leads.


The relationship between the group and therefore the individual may be a real one.


There exists an oscillation back and forth between the group and therefore the individual.

 Corporate identity

corporate identity or corporate image is the manner in which a corporation, firm or business enterprise presents itself to the public (such as customers and investors as well as employees). The corporate identity is typically visualized by branding and with the use of trademarks,but it can also include things like product designadvertisingpublic relations etc. Corporate identity is a primary goal of the corporate communications, in order to maintain and build the identity to accord with and facilitate the corporate business objectives.


Courtesy/By: Nandini Singh | 2020-05-31 21:44