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access to internet should be fundamentally protected right

Courtesy/By: Roopal dhoot | 2020-05-27 15:06     Views : 244

Internet connects people, lives, stories and businesses. It is almost impossible to imagine a world without internet. Access to internet should be fundamentally protected because fundamental rights are the basic human rights of all the citizens and is recognised by supreme court as requiring a high degree of protection from government encroachment. Denying fundamental rights is inherently improper since fundamental rights are those rights whose protection is essential for the society. The rights are defined in part III of the constitution, applied irrespective of gender, creed, caste, or birth place. In case of violation of these rights you can directly approach the supreme court by filling the writ under article 32 of the constitution. Access to internet should be a fundamental right as it is an instrument in fulfilling other fundamental rights: 1. RIGHT TO EDUCATION- Right to education is a basic fundamental right as under article 21(a) of the constitution of India. Internet is truly emerging as a powerful medium for variety of subjects published online. E-learning has become increasingly popular learning approach in universities due to rapid growth of web based technologies. Learning without internet will place a restriction on right to education and hence it should be a fundamental right. 2. RIGHT TO WORK- Article 19(1)(g) of the constitution provides the right to practice any profession, carry on a business, trade or commerce. Internet use has revolutionized the working style at the workplace. The internet has changed the business landscape, making it far more competitive and the workplace considerably more fast moving. Globalisation has make the whole world a single market so with the help of internet we can communicate anywhere and anytime. If the use of internet is restricted, it is bound to affect the freedom of trade and business to a considerable extent. 3. RIGHT TO EXPRESSION- Article 19(1)(a) is freedom to speech and expression and no one to contradict the fact that social media is becoming very popular day by day because it provides the people a platform to express their thoughts, views on any opinions. Social media and online platforms give people outlets for their ideas and create opportunities for collaboration, interaction, and feedback from their peers. 4. RIGHT TO INFORMATION- Internet has become the most cheaper and most reliable source if getting information regarding any subject just in one click. It is impossible to fulfill all this fundamental rights without proper access to internet services. On 5 August 2019, Indian authorities have kept the people of Kashmir in a digital blackout, restricting most internet access. It means there was no email, no weather information, no whatsapp, no landline phones absolutely nothing. Students were unable to give their exams, the doctors were unable to do their job, businessmen begging the police officer to restore the access. The officers were unable to track the anti-nationalist. This shows the importance of internet not only to the students, doctors, teachers but also to the government to perform their task more efficiently. On september 2019 in the case ANURADHA BHASIN V. UNION OF INDIA AND ORS. & GHULAM NABI AZAD V. UNION OF INDIA AND ANR. The supreme court of India has declared access to internet a fundamental right. The ruling is in sync with the united nations recommendations that every country should make access to internet a fundamental right. The judgement was given in response to a plea against the suspension of internet services in Jammu & Kashmir since last august . The bench affirmed that the right to freedom of speech and expression as guaranteed to all the citizens cover the right to go online. Be that as it may, it appears that today’s life is unimaginable without the internet and apprehensions of it’s misuse by anti-social elements cannot be ruled out completely. All said and done, the supreme court is the true guardian of fundamental rights of citizens and through this judgement, the highest court has held in this day, the internet is as essential as air and water.

Courtesy/By: Roopal dhoot | 2020-05-27 15:06