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German footwear maker, shift their production from China to India.

Courtesy/By: Srishty Jaiswal | 2020-05-20 10:31     Views : 233

German footwear maker, shift their production from China to India.

Casa Everz Gmbh, the owner of the Germany based footwear brand ‘Von Wellx’, decided that they will shift their entire shoe production of over 3 million pairs annually to India from China and initially investment of Rs. 110 crore.

Von Wellx, as a new manufacturing unit will be set up through a collaboration with Iatric Industries Pvt Ltd and with a production capacity of over three million pairs and it chooses Uttar Pradesh for their manufacturing location, as a part of an understanding with the state government.

Casa Everz Gmbh, the owner of the Germany based footwear brand Von Wellx, has two manufacturing units in China and annually their capacity of production is about, over 3 million pairs.

Now, Casa Everz Gmbh decided to collaborate with Iatric Industries to set up in India. Iatric Industries Pvt Ltd already has a capacity of 5 lakh pairs and apart from this shoes capacity, Iatric Industries with Casa Everz Gmbh produce Von Germany 5 Zones Men’s and Women’s shoes other production capacity.

Iatric Industries Pvt Ltd Director and Chief Executive Officers, Ashish Jain said “Now a new unit will be set up with a production capacity of over 3 million pairs. We have a 2 year time horizon to reach that capacity after all the necessary cooperation with the Uttar Pradesh Government” and he also said that about the investment, “The investment in phase 1 of the project will be about Rs. 110 crore over two years and also have a plan for phase 2, where ancillary industries will be set up for availability of high- quality raw materials like outsoles, special fabrics and chemicals which are not available in India right now and which will reduce raw material and footwear imports and improve the quality of Indian made footwear, attracting more investment”.

The German Company believes that India is going to be the next manufacturing powerhouse of the world, this is also a reason to relocate their production from China to India.

Courtesy/By: Srishty Jaiswal | 2020-05-20 10:31