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Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-07-09 16:44     Views : 298

Human rights are the basic and fundamental rights of any human being and promoting these rights in such a manner that every human being knows about their rights is very important. This will help everyone earn respect and make sure that sustainable development is achieved. Human rights cannot be promoted without knowing and respecting it. The word promotion indicates making people aware of or achieving the same through social media or just any kind of media. This is because whatever is achieved today, in this globalised era, is because of media.

Promotion of human right can be defined as understanding and sharing various aspects of human life using various means of communication. The concept of human rights being a new concept has emerged in the media, but its facts and existence have been increasingly been noticed since the 1990’s. the coverage of human rights has been for all the right reasons. One of the major activities that the media has been playing for the human rights has been the role
it plays in educating people and bringing in awareness about human right. It is the ethical responsibility of all journalists and media to promote ethical responsibility. Media is a very powerful source and tool for communication. It can help the people in realising the violation of their human rights, fundamental rights etc. However, like every other institution, media also faces issues while reporting issues related to human rights. Major threat being that all
voices raised are by the powerful and the cries of the lower people are often oppressed. It is, however, being noticed that the role played by the media in promoting human rights has been increasing a lot in the present days than the past few decades. Both the electronic and print media provide enough space to promote human rights. But, before promoting human rights, the media must keep in mind certain rights that apply to them as well. There must be non- discriminating and fair coverage of all issues and cries related to human rights.

Media is playing a wide and major role in promoting human rights, issues and violations related to it, but without the right implementation, observance, and recognition of human rights, development cannot be achieved.

Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-07-09 16:44