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Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-07-09 16:04     Views : 304

Amnesty international is an organisation which operates on a worldwide scale. The main aim of this organisation is the protection of human rights. The organisation began in the year 1961, with people who belonged to all walks of life who worked on getting the men and women who were imprisoned for having their own political views to be released. Lawyer Peter Benenson launched the appeal for amnesty in observer newspaper. This happened after two Portuguese students were imprisoned for raising a toast for freedom. Their latest landmark project was in the year 2014, when the supporters of amnesty, after20 years of
pressurising the UN got the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) into force on December 24 th , 2014.

Amnesty international is classified into various groups. The members of this group usually try and help the families of the prisoners into helping them on the release of the prisoners. Amnesty investigates facts anywhere and anything that is related to an abuse; they lobby governments and huge companies to abide and respect the international law, etc. over the years, amnesty has been evolving. Amnesty international helps in fighting abuses of human rights across the globe. Through them, the people who are jailed for raising their own opinions are brought to justice. Presently, the organisation claims to have more than 7 million supporters worldwide.

As mentioned, and said above, the main principle of amnesty international is focusing on prisoners of conscience. Other principles include, a firm commitment to gathering every fact, non-intervening on political questions. However, there is one key issue regarding the individuals who support or resort to violence in their struggle against repression.

Today after 50 years of commitments and outstanding achievements, there has been a drastic change in the world due to continued efforts of amnesty international. But there are still thousands of prisoners who are unknown and deserve to be free and with the right laws and regulations, if the organisation takes a step in the right direction they may be able to free majority of them and let the prisoners have hopes on being free.

Courtesy/By: Amulya Bhat | 2019-07-09 16:04