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Courtesy/By: Mahek Bhatter | 2020-04-22 17:03     Views : 252


Article 21 is a fundamental right given to the citizens of India by the Indian Constitution. The article provides the right to life and personal liberty, and includes all those aspects, which are necessary for the basic survival of the citizens. However, with COVID-19 pandemic in light, it has been seen that this right is being breached severely, by the citizens towards the COVID-19 warriors which consists of the medical and para medical staff.

While on one hand the novel corona virus is increasing tremendously, the healthcare sector on the other hand is working hard to help recover the effected patients in the best way possible. As a result, the government as well as the other institutions have declared them as Corona warriors and given them the credit they deserve. However this appreciation is compromised, not by the government or other departments, but by the citizens themselves.

In the recent events, the doctors, nurses and other medical and para medical staff have been facing severe consequences, on returning back to their homes and residencies, from the people living in such residencies and communities. The fear of the virus being transmitted from the medical staff to these residents, have led the people to cause violence and injure the medical personnel. The number of these cases are rising extensively and in order to make sure that this does not happen, the government has passed an ordinance as on 22nd of April, 2020.

The ordinance provides for the utmost protection of the COVID-19 warriors, such that any person or persons who decide to attack them, shall be punished by the court in a manner such that they maybe imprisoned for a time period of 3 months to 7 years, depending upon the degree of the attack. Moreover, a fine shall also be imposed ranging from 50 thousand rupees to 5 lakhs, again depending upon the degree of the injury or attack. 

The offence shall be considered as cognisable and non-bailable. 

Apart from the ordinance, there are other decisions which have also been taken to improve this situation, and to provide utmost protection, integrity and respect to these warriors. For example, in Odisha, it has been announced by the government that the deceased medical personnel who were infected with the virus, and died while providing their services, shall be considered as ‘martyrs’ and shall be given a proper funeral. 

Such efforts being taken by the government and the other departments of the legislature and the judiciary show the respect and the appreciation the country has towards the people who are risking their lives and providing these services.

Courtesy/By: Mahek Bhatter | 2020-04-22 17:03