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Contracts of Service and Contracts for Service

Courtesy/By: Joanna Lisa Mathias | 2021-02-06 10:41     Views : 244

In today's world, companies tend to enter into a number of agreements to fulfil their business and day-to-day requirements with a large number of people/organizations. Organizations recruit staff or hire a third party's services to meet their needs. They do, however, enter into a number of contracts for all purposes. All such agreements entered into by the company can be split broadly into two categories: Contract of Service and Contract for Service. 

1. A contract for service is an agreement entered into by a company with a third party for the use of its services. An independent service provider, not an employee of the company, is a third party. A third party is not entitled to the benefits received or entitled to from time to time by the employees of the company during the course of their employment. The company does not exercise third-party control. The company enters into such agreements where it wants the service provider to allocate to it the ownership of the intellectual property rights in the created work and pay for the service provider's work in return. 

Examples in which a contract for services is concluded—

  • A company that uses the help of a third party to create a website for them, to create certain artwork, etc.
  • A company that hires a photographer for its new jewellery services. Collecting.
  • A film producer who hires an animation artist for his film.

2. A contract of service is an agreement that the company has entered into with an individual to use its services. The person here is the company's employee and is entitled to the benefits that the company's employees receive or are entitled to from time to time during their employment. The company has control over the work created by the worker, and the employee is bound to obey his employer's orders. The ownership of the employee's created intellectual property rests with the business. However, in cases where, during the course of his employment, an invention is created by the employee, such ownership rests solely with the employee. A separate agreement on the assignment of inventions may be entered into in order to claim ownership of such intellectual property, or a clause relating thereto may be incorporated into the terms and conditions of employment.


An agreement is an integral element of any transaction. More important than that, however, is choosing the correct type of agreement that needs to be drawn up in order to fulfil the parties' purpose and intent. The way for disputes can be paved by a wrong contract. When one wants to engage a third-services party's as an independent contractor for a specific project or short-lived purpose, a service contract is required. A service contract is that of employment and is entered into with employees who, on a daily basis, engage and perform services with the company. The content of an employment agreement varies from one industry to another and describes the nature of the work to be carried out by the worker. Furthermore, it will talk about working hours, wage structure, etc.

This Article Does Not Intend To Hurt The Sentiments Of Any Individual Community, Sect, Or Religion Etcetera. This Article Is Based Purely On The Authors Personal Views And Opinions In The Exercise Of The Fundamental Right Guaranteed Under Article 19(1)(A) And Other Related Laws Being Force In India, For The Time Being. Further, despite all efforts that have been made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published, White Code Legal and Tax shall not be responsible for any errors caused due to human error or otherwise.

Courtesy/By: Joanna Lisa Mathias | 2021-02-06 10:41