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Courtesy/By: Deepshikha Thakur | 2021-01-06 19:47     Views : 346

To reserve a company name, one can file a separate web-based application on the ministry of corporate affairs portal all can apply for a name within the form of registration of the private limited company.
There are certain rules for naming a company and if the name of the company is not per rules the ministry of corporate affairs will not approve such a name. The name should be unique or should be a coined word, it should have a suffix and the name should end with private limited or public limited. So the name of a private limited company must end with private limited. There should not be any resemblance of name with any other company.
While forming a name of the company it is important to check whether the name which has been chosen is available or not, one can check the availability of the name on the ministry of corporate affairs portal as well as with trademark, in case the name is already trademarked, the name will be rejected all will not be approved.
After checking the availability Of the name, an application can be filed by a registered user of the ministry of corporate affairs, in case one does not have an account they can create one under the category from a registered user or business user.
attaching any document with the application to reserve a company name is advisable, however, it is not mandatory to attach any document. Documents can be- no objection certificate from the trademark owner, trademark application details or registered certificate if the name is based on trademark, the business activity of the proposed company, in brief, approval from the regulatory authority, in case the name is based on any other company then no objection certificate in form of board resolution of that company.
For Filing of web-based application, one needs to file the name application on the MCA portal through reserve unique name service. The information needed in the application will be the details about whether it is a new request or a resubmission, what type of company it is, if there is a change in company names then CIN will be needed, 2 proposed names of the company is required, and business activity of the company and other information will be required.
Once an application has been submitted one has to pay the government fee for the name application of the companies through credit card, debit card, or NEFT. The fee is rupees 1000 and it is non-refundable. To track the application or further processing the payment of fees will generate a receipt with SRN.
The processing of the application takes around 2 to 3 working days And one can check the status of the application on the portal of the ministry of corporate affairs and track the SRN all transaction status. When MCA finds that name is available it will approve the name and the approval letter will be sent. In case the name is not available the minister of corporate affairs will ask for resubmission and the status will be sent for the submission. One can find an email regarding the same on the registered email ID.
After the approval of the name, it will be reserved for 20 days and the applicant must file the form for incorporation within the given period, or else the Name will get expired and the applicant will need to file the new name application.


This Article Does Not Intend To Hurt The Sentiments Of Any Individual Community, Sect, Or Religion Etcetera. This Article Is Based Purely On The Authors Personal Views And Opinions In The Exercise Of The Fundamental Right Guaranteed Under Article 19(1)(A) And Other Related Laws Being Force In India, For The Time Being.

Courtesy/By: Deepshikha Thakur | 2021-01-06 19:47