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Courtesy/By: Deepshikha Thakur | 2020-12-28 16:25     Views : 291

Food safety and standards authority of India or FSSAI is an organization that guns and monitors the food business in the country. It is an autonomous body. It has been established under the ministry of health and family welfare. Food safety and standards act, 2006 consolidates statutes that are related to food safety and regulation in India and it also ensures that the food products are not adulterated, so its work is to ensure the quality of the food product. Registration and licensing of the food business operators in India are done through this act through the rules and regulations better provided for running the food business.

FSSAI Registration and FSSAI license are different from each other and depending on the size and nature of the business, the business operator should obtain the necessary license or registration. The registration number or license number has 14 digits that are printed on the food packages, this number gives details about the permit of the producer. Food safety and standards (licensing and registration of food business) regulation, 2011 is required for licensing and registering procedure.

Since the registration or license is based on the volume and premises of the business and depends upon the installed capacity or turnover or location, the applicant can have 3 kinds of FSSAI registration that central license for large food businesses, state license for medium food businesses, and simple basic registration for petty food businesses.

To register for food license applicants must submit Form A to the food and safety Department, within 7 working days from the application date, the application will be accepted or rejected, Once it is accepted the applicant well big granted are registration certificate by the Department which will contain the registry Mission number and the photo of the applicant. The food business operator should keep the certificate of registration at the place of business during the business hour. FSSAI registration is required for all the food business operators who are involved in a small-scale food business. The business operator should not have more than 12,00,000 rupees as an annual turnover. To obtain state and central licenses some documents are needed. The applicant must have a completed & form B, he Shut submit a passport photo and photo ID proof, he needs to provide address proof, should give the list of food category and product, rental agreement or proof of possession of premises is required, a detailed plan of food safety management system will be required. A list of equipment needed, NOC from the municipality, memorandum of Association, article of Association, incorporation certificate, list of directors and partners, and import-export code details will be needed for state and central license.

The Documents required for the FSSAI license are completed and authorized Form B, list of proprietor, directors, partners along with their address, photo ID, and contact details. The list of equipment and machinery that is going to be used with the number of installed capacities, list of food categories that will be manufactured, authority letter from the manufacturer, report of analysis of water being used in the process, recall plan, source of raw material, and Ministry of Commerce certificate of 100% of EOU will Be required. NOC document issued by FSSAI, IE code document issued by DGFT, form 11, a certificate from ministry of tourism, proof of possession of premises, affidavit of proprietorship or partnership deed, copy of the license from the manufacturer, NOC from the municipality or local body, food safety and management system plan or certificate, proof of turnover, proof of transportation, and declaration form will be required.

To obtain a state license the applicant must fill form B & it should be signed, he will need to submit the plan of processing unit, list of directors, proprietor, and partners with the address Photo ID and contact details, list of equipment and machinery used with the number and installed capacity. The applicant will require to submit the list of food category that is going to be manufactured, proof off position of premises, partnership deed, affidavit of proprietorship, copy of the license from the manufacturer, OC, copy of certificate obtain under Coop act 1861 and Multi-State Coop act 2002. The applicant needs to submit the authority letter from the manufacturer nominated, And an analysis report of water that is used In the process. The applicant will also need a food safety management system plan or certificate.

If the applicant wishes to renew, modify, or convert a business he will need different sets of forms and documents.


This Article Does Not Intend To Hurt The Sentiments Of Any Individual Community, Sect, Or Religion Etcetera. This Article Is Based Purely On The Authors Personal Views And Opinions In The Exercise Of The Fundamental Right Guaranteed Under Article 19(1)(A) And Other Related Laws Being Force In India, For The Time Being.

Courtesy/By: Deepshikha Thakur | 2020-12-28 16:25