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Courtesy/By: Mahek Bhatter | 2020-04-12 23:42     Views : 276


Any firm or corporation, when seeks legal help or support, from any law firm or company outside, and hands over the responsibility of performing all law related activities of such firm or corporation, it is referred to as legal process outsourcing. 

When the firm outsources its legal ventures, to a law firm, functioning in another country, then it is referred to as offshoring. This is because in such case the law firm would only be able to perform services, wherein physical presence is not involved.

In case where the work is outsourced to a firm working domestically, it shall be referred to as outsourcing, since then the law firm can provide physical presence as well, such as providing court appearances for the clients etc.

Thus in order for a company to outsource its work, both the parties, should enter in to a contract, such that the terms of the agreement are listed down in the most clear manner, and both such parties be subject to such terms. 

The services provided by legal process outsourcing involve contracts, legal research, patent registration, trademark registrations, litigation services, documentation, digital content watching or tracking etc,. Mainly, they can be divided into two categories;

Those services which are manpower intensive jobs, such as legal research, documentation, contract formations, etc., and the second category, being high-value-service jobs, which involve the use of high legal expertise and consist of complexities and technicalities such as patent/trademark filling, negotiations between two parties, stature and case law research and analysis, court proceedings etc,. 

There are various advantages, which legal process outsourcing provides to firms. Some of these are-

  1. They allow the firm, which outsource their work to focus on their business activities and takes off the burden off their shoulders concerning any form of legal related work.
  2. They provide much more clarity and assurance in their work, as compared any employed in house department or individuals, since they perform the work of not only a single firm, buttony more firms, and are therefore tried and tested. Moreover, they employ licensed attorney and advocates rather than paralegals, which make them more credible than other resources.
  3. They utilise the business’ resources in a very effective and efficient manner, thereby providing better results to the company, in relation their legal disputes and matters.
  4. They not only provide litigation or contractual services, but also provide advisory series to the firms, thereby giving them an advantage over their competitors. 

Thus LPO, provide a great way for business firms to perform their business activities, in a way possible such that they retain and emphasise on achieving their business goals, and at the same time, thrive in all legal related aspects.

Courtesy/By: Mahek Bhatter | 2020-04-12 23:42