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Glass ceiling

Courtesy/By: Nirjara Dholakia | 2020-12-16 17:41     Views : 276


The concept of a glass ceiling also has to be taken into consideration at this point when
we are discussing diversification. The popular view of glass ceiling effects indicates that gender
disadvantages are tougher at the top of the ladder of hierarchy than at the lower levels and that
these disadvantages become shoddier later in a person’s career. It is a specific type of gender
or racial inequality that refers to artificial and unseen barriers to the advancement of women
and minorities and reflects discrimination between those who prosper and those left behind.
In India, a shortage of qualified and experienced women at executive levels is often given as
one of the main reasons for male domination in the Boards. The different social hindrances
that Indian women have to overcome to commence a career reveal why the prospect of
having a truly diverse boardroom has never before seemed too plausible. Many of the
women who sit on boards are referred to as survivors.
The survey conducted by Wall Street Journal reveals that the most serious hindrance or hurdle
that women in the corporate sector think they face in their career is “male chauvinism,
negative sexist attitudes towards female bosses, lack of growth opportunities for women
leading to stagnant careers and the simple fact of being a woman”. The majority of women
that is 80% stated that simply being a woman has proved to be their biggest disadvantage for
growth or even survival in the corporate sector. Women stated in the survey that their points
of view or opinions and suggestions are never taken seriously by the men. 61% of the
surveyed women stated that they have been mistaken as a secretary at numerous office
meetings which reinforces the sexist ideology that still exists in the corporate sector. 21% of
the women have been taunted and criticized for wanting to grow or reach the upper levels
of the management. A whopping percentage of 70 believe that there is pay disparity and they
are paid less than their male counterparts. This survey just reinstates that the number of
obstacles that women have to face and fight through to just keep their jobs without
even thinking about growth is incomprehensible. The issue regarding gender diversity especially in the corporate sector has become a burning topic of discussion, which led the government and consultancy firms to diversify their boards.
Gender diversification is not only something that uplifts women but it also leads to an increase
in profits, enhance planned organization, boost goodwill, decrease group reason and increase
innovation and creativity by revealing company boards to multiple worldviews and outlooks.


This Article Does Not Intend To Hurt The Sentiments Of Any Individual Community, Sect, Or Religion Etcetera. This Article Is Based Purely On The Authors Personal Views And Opinions In The Exercise Of The Fundamental Right Guaranteed Under Article 19(1)(A) And Other Related Laws Being Force In India, For The Time Being. 

Courtesy/By: Nirjara Dholakia | 2020-12-16 17:41