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Corporate Advertising

Courtesy/By: Snehal Walia | 2020-04-10 04:07     Views : 290

Corporate Advertising

Corporate advertising refers to the advertising that is done in attempt to promote an organisation. The main aim of corporate advertising is to promote the product, services, reputation of the organisation, company, business etc. It helps in ensuring a positive image of the organisation and maintain a recognizable identity in the market.

Following are the different types of corporate advertising:

  1. Advocacy advertising

This type of advertising is done in order to promote ideas, thoughts, ideologies etc. that are in line with the organisation’s activities and thus, results in maximising the organisation’s profits.

  1. Investment advertising

The investment advertisement, as the name suggests, refers to the advertising that focuses on attracting the investors. Its main aim is to maximise the scope for investments by ensuring that the organisation has a strong financial standing. This type of advertising takes help of the numbers i.e. the company’s expenditure and profits to attract the investors instead of publicising the company’s overall performance.

  1. Image advertising

The image advertising focuses on maintaining a positive image of the organisation in the market in order to promote its business. It helps in promoting a positive picture of an organisation by publicising the activities which contribute towards the betterment of the society.

It is important to understand that large business organisations thrive on the “brand” image that is created in the minds of the customers and corporate advertising is one of the tools for ensuring the same. Large scale organisations take help of corporate advertising to sustain their reputation of their products or services in case the same has a negative potential in the market. It is also a way of communicating an organisation’s ideas and views regarding their services or products in a more efficient manner.


Courtesy/By: Snehal Walia | 2020-04-10 04:07