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FDIs & FPIs Consulting

The regulations on Foreign Direct Investment undergoes frequent changes. The Cabinet brings out the consolidated FDI Policy for each financial year keeping in mind the presence of India in the global market. One major source of investment is through Foreign Portfolio investment (FPIs) and some part of it is through Non-Residential Indians.

FDI’s is form of investment where the investor obtains a lasting interest in the Company. It is a cross boarder investment by a resident or a company of one origin into the company of a foreign origin with an objective of establishing a lasting interest in the economy. The investor has influence and control over the investee company. Moreover, if the investor company obtains 10% or more of ownership of equity shares, then voting rights are generated along with participation in the management. The investment may result in the transfer of funds, resources, technical know-how, strategies, etc.

FDIs can be made in the following ways:

  • Joint Venture
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Establishing a subsidiary Company

FPIs are generally institutional & strategic investors who collect funds from various sources and then invest it in an Indian entity in anticipation of good returns. The SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investor) Regulations, 2014 provides the eligibility criteria for FPIs. FPI’s generally invest in another countries stock market to generate short term quick returns instead of obtaining significant control over managerial operations of the Company. These investments include equity instruments (stocks) or debt (bonds) of a foreign Company which does not necessarily represent a long-term interest.

White Code with its team of professionals & experts are experienced and skilled to assists foreign business and individuals to set up business in India and achieve desired business objectives in difference different sectors. We can help you understand the Indian market and investment opportunities so that you can get the best return on your investment in India.

 Services Include:

  • Advice on business expansion
  • Advice on Investment Portfolio and market research
  • Legal services for establishing business in India
  • Advice on all regulatory, affiliations and compliances with state and Central bodies in India
  • Advise on Indian Tax regime for FDIs & FPIs
  • Assistance in obtaining FPI registration from SEBI
  • Assistance in obtaining the Permanent Account Number (PAN)
  • Assistance in determining tax liability
  • Assistance in preparation of Annual income tax return
  • Due Diligence
  • Office Space Solutions