Prevention of cyber terrorism Training
Companies have a social responsibility towards their employees and the general public to provide a safe and healthy work environment that is free from any kind of bullying and harassment. A company is always at risk of bad reputation and legal action if it does not comply with certain laws that are applicable to it. Therefore, it is obligated to prevent violation of any rules or regulations and protect consumer data, maintain privacy and confidentiality. Through compliance training, the company can ensure efficient risk management.
Compliance Training is mandatory for the purposes of educating the employees about regulations, laws, policies, procedures, and actions to help prevent and detect problems in the workplace and avoid violations of law and other government regulations. These policies and procedures are often job or industry-specific. They ensure that the employees understand their roles and responsibilities better and are prepared to handle difficult situations during the course of their employment.
The purpose of conducting compliance training:
What is Cyberterrorism?
Cyberterrorism is the intersection of cyberspace and terrorism. It is an unlawful attack and threats of attacks against computers, networks, and the information stored in it when done to intimidate or coerce a government or its people in furtherance of political or social objectives. In order to qualify as cyberterrorism, an attack should result in violence against persons or property, or at least cause enough harm to generate fear. This includes attacks that lead to death or bodily injury, explosions, or severe economic loss.
Cyber terrorism and its scope are based on the place where it occurs than through the medium through which it occurs. A terrorist attack can be carried out through cyberspace or by using information and communication technologies and specifically the internet to carry out a series of actions linked to the objectives. The definition of cyberterrorism includes disruption and violence in cyberspace and is similar to the traditional form of terrorism with physical destruction and violence. The use of new technology is aiding terrorist groups to have a global reach even though they may have very few members.
How can you prevent it?
1.Security awareness training will help companies decrease their costs, secure their cybersecurity investment, and protect their reputation.
2.Protecting your networks against external and internal attacks and managing your networks by filtering out unauthorized access and malicious content.
3.Establish a monitoring strategy and formulate supporting policies.
4.Continuously monitoring all ICT systems and networks in order to identify any unusual activity that could indicate an attack.
5.Establishing an incident response and disaster recovery capability by providing specialist training to the incident management team.
6.Reporting criminal incidents to law enforcement agencies.
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